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Range Rover SVR Center Resonator Delete Pipe L494


Range Rover Sport SVR Resonator Delete Pipe.


Are you hear because you have bought a newer range rover sport svr and it just doesn’t sound like the old one? Because the cat-back system on the svr has not changed ,you would expect it to sound the same. IT is the addition of the opf/ppf that has stolen that beautiful noise. This is where we can help. Our center resonator / silencer removal pipes raise the volume just like the older models.This part requires professional fitting. Our new pipes slide over and clamp in after the exhaust to be cut .The last customer we did this mod for at our depot stated “I cant believe it only took £170 to make me fall in love with my 100k car again”

The Range Rover Sport SVR Resonator Delete Pipe. Worth adding to your basket?