Common exhaust terms explained!

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Backbox Delete

If you have ever considered customizing your car with auto modifications. You may have come across the term “backbox delete”. This simple yet effective procedure involves removing the backbox from your vehicle’s exhaust system.

This can be done either for aesthetic reasons or to enhance the sound of your car’s engine.

By replacing the backbox with a delete pipe and welding a new exhaust tip, you can easily transform the appearance of your car’s rear end.

However, please take note that not all vehicles are suitable for a backbox delete due to various factors to consider. For example, if your car is a naturally aspirated petrol engine with no centre box and a catalytic converter, it may make your vehicle excessively loud.

On the other hand, a petrol turbo with an OEM catalyst and no centre box may sound decent after a backbox delete as the turbo works as a silencer.

If you have any doubts or questions regarding a backbox delete, please don’t hesitate to ask for advice.

Resonator Delete

A resonator delete pipe is a modification made to a vehicle’s exhaust system. This involves removing the mid-silencer, which is responsible for reducing exhaust sound.

 This modification is known to enhance the exhaust sound of a vehicle, giving it an improved and more aggressive tone.

It is important to note that the mid-silencer, also referred to as a silencer or resonator, plays a crucial role in providing sound dampening for the entire exhaust system of a vehicle.

This is achieved by reducing the noise created by the heat and vibration of the engine during the combustion process.

However, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) silencers can be restrictive, which is where free-flow silencers or resonator delete pipes come in. These upgraded silencers or delete pipes offer increased horsepower, but may not be as effective in reducing noise.

Overall, a resonator delete pipe can provide a satisfying upgrade to a vehicle’s sound profile. 

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Straight Through Exhaust Systems

Are you curious about modified exhaust systems?

If so, then you may be interested to know about a straight through exhaust system, also known as a straight pipe. This type of exhaust system is popular among racing enthusiasts. It allows for the maximum possible gas flow without any restrictions caused by mufflers, catalytic converters, or diesel particulate filters.

However, it is important to note that true straight pipe exhaust systems can be extremely loud and annoying, especially on petrol vehicles. In my personal opinion, a small silencer can often improve the sound of an exhaust system without completely taking away from its character.

Additionally, you may be wondering about Decats and DPF deletes, both of which involve modifying the exhaust system. A Decat involves removing the catalytic converter from the exhaust system, which can allow for more exciting driving experiences.

However, it is illegal in the UK to remove catalytic converters from vehicles that were originally fitted with them. DPF deletes are a type of modification that involves removing the diesel particulate filter from the exhaust system. While this can improve performance, it is also illegal in the UK.

If you feel unsure about any modifications to your vehicle’s exhaust, it is always a good idea to consult with us or your mechanic .

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